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Useful websites and apps Forget overpriced schools, long days in a crowded classroom, and pitifully poor results. These websites and apps cover myriads of science, art, and technology topics. They will teach you practically anything at your own pace from making hummus to building apps in node.js. I'm an active blogger and maintain a number of websites and apps. I've posted a number of articles and tutorials, and received a lot of positive feedback. → Read more... This is the first topic you should learn, regardless what you're planning to make: how to program in node.js (I'll mostly refer to JavaScript as "JS"). This topic has changed my life drastically. With enough knowledge on node.js, you can build anything from websites to games to desktop apps using the same paradigm over and over again: communication between front-end (user) and back-end (server) via HTTP requests/responses with JSON data format in between. I'm a real enthusiast of anything JavaScript related. I've been programming since 2010 but only recently starting to make good things with node.js. → Read more... Useful websites and apps This is a pretty cool art website/app that lets you upload your own images as well as thousands of others, crop them, draw on them, and basically play with your images to turn them into something entirely new! → Read more... Serious Eats - Cookbook from the food enthusiasts at Serious Eats. This is my first ever authentic cookbook. It has over 50 recipes for delicious snacks, meals, and desserts. → Read more... Unless you're a computer scientist, you probably don't have enough knowledge to build your own image recognition software from scratch. Fortunately, there are a few image recognition APIs out there that are free to use. I have written an article on the little-known Google Vision API. I also posted detailed tutorials on how to use Google's Cloud Vision API with node.js and PHP to detect orientation of images in the gallery section of my blog. → Read more... Google Cloud Platform offers a lot of services for building apps/websites/tools with node. js and/or PHP. I'm particularly interested in Cloud Vision API for image recognition and Google Drive for file storage and management. I've posted a step-by-step tutorial on how to upload files to/from Google Drive using node.js and PHP: → Read more... Useful websites and apps A popular social network, especially among developers, designers, and entrepreneurs. A number of popular startups such as 500px, Dropbox, PayPal were born from the community here. → Read more... Google's official mobile app for viewing YouTube videos on Android mobile devices or tablets (available on both Google PlayStore and Apple AppStore). cfa1e77820